Airport Operations Office (ramp side)

FOD includes any object found in an inappropriate location that – as a result of being in that location – can damage equipment or injure aircraft or airport personnel. The resulting damage has been estimated to cost the aerospace industry $4 billion a year.  Earlier this year the engine on a Boeing 737 flying for a US air carrier caught fire as the result of bubble wrap that had been ingested in to the engine.

Each year during the week of Earth Day, RIC hosts FOD Awareness and Prevention Day.  The goal is to promote good housekeeping, FOD prevention strategies, and best practices to reduce the hazard posed by FOD.  Airport staff join with tenants and stakeholders in a “FOD walk” around the Air Carrier Ramp to remove foreign object debris.  It’s also an opportunity to do a spring clean-up with the airport collecting larger items for disposal and sweeping hard to get areas around the building.

To make if fun the FOD Walk includes a scavenger hunt.  A number of rubber ducks are hid around the ramp with prizes awarded to those participants who find them.  The FOD walk is also capped off with a hot dog cook out to thank partipants for their efforts.

FOD Day 2024 will be Thursday, April 25th with the FOD Walk kicking off at 09:00.